Work Place Injuries In Wholesale And Retail Continue To Top Work Place Accident Reports

Work place Injuries in Wholesale and Retail Continue To Top Work Place Accident Reports

Work place slip and fall injuries In The Wholesale and Retail Industries Continue To Top Work Place Accident Reports

The 2014 accident report has been released by the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI) conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The report shows that a total of 4,679 fatalities occurred in the workplace in 2014. This was an increase of 2 percent over 2013, which is a concern to safety advocates as well as OSHA and lawmakers. Another disturbing trend discovered by the report shows that slip and fall injuries occurring in retail and wholesale injuries are one of the leading causes of workplace accidents and death.

The statistics show that for every 100,000 full-time employees in the United States, the fatality rate is 3.3. Goods producing industries (manufacturing) saw a 9 percent increase in fatality rates over 2013. Fatality increases were also seen in agriculture (14 percent), construction (6 percent), mining (17 percent), and public service (17 percent). [, January 2016]

Slip and fall injuries increased 10 percent over 2013 to nearly 800 deaths caused by slip and fall accidents. Most slip and fall fatalities occurred in workers over age 55. 2014 saw the highest death number for workers over age 55 of all time. 1,490 elderly employees died in 2014.

The statistics show that the highest number of injuries occurred in the following industries:

Fatal slip and fall injuries
Equipment injuries

Slips and falls accounted for 647 fatalities in 2014. Most fall fatalities involved falls from a lower level (less than 30 feet) and caused 427 deaths. All other falls were caused by falling from much higher distances.

In general, most fatal workplace accidents occurred in transportation occupations. 28 percent of all fatalities involved driving/transportation workers. Other industries that commonly have fatalities include construction, protective service, and farming. Preventing workplace accidents
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) have published a list of safety steps that wholesale and retail workers can use to reduce their risk of slipping and falling. Reducing slip and fall risk is the best way to prevent painful workplace accidents and fatalities. Use these tips below to reduce your accident risk: [, January 2016]

Watch for spills
Avoid wet floors
Wear shoes with rubber, gripping soles
Do not place boxes where they can obstruct walkways
Watch for small objects on the floor
Always follow safety guidelines when using a ladder
Never step on the top rung of a ladder
Make sure all work stations are well-lit
Do not carry so many boxes that you cannot see over the top of them
Make sure you are well-rested before your shift
Do not operate a ladder without someone holding it steady
Never lean over a shelf or off a ladder as fall risk from this practice is extremely high

Following these safety guidelines will improve the safety of any wholesale or retail worker.

Wright & Schulte LLC
812 East National Road
Vandalia, Ohio 45377

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